I was relatively surprised to see one
bitch dedicated reader describe my
most recent blog entry as being very "dark." Now, I can recognize that the topics I tackle aren't always the most uplifting, but I do try and sprinkle in some inkling of optimism at the tail end of each entry to give readers (and myself) renewed belief that success stories do exist in the world of ooey-gooey love.
But as I walked down Walnut St. with my deliciously overpriced Starbucks latte in hand, contemplating whether I really am just too cynical about dating as well as whether I should grab Chinese food before going home, I stumbled upon a sign posted on the tiny construction site near the intersection of Broad and Walnut (pictured).
I'm a firm believer in the idea that things do happen for a reason, and today my conclusion was, like an epiphany to be had in the corniest Jennifer Aniston movie, that I found myself face-to-face with this ambiguously inspiring sign (that undoubtedly had a different meaning) for a bigger reason.
When date after date goes wrong, it becomes easier to sink into disheartened delusion than optimistic perseverance. Could it be that the singles are just cynics?
After giving it some further thought, here is what I've decided I'm going to do: below is a tongue-in-cheek list of five things I might ordinarily write for a
Brotherly Love blog entry. Next to them (that is, the list of things I probably would more sincerely advise), are hopeful fortune cookie-esque bits of advice with a Utopian, "it gets better" spin put on them.
Without further adieu, let's try this on for size.
Stop slitting your wrist to "Someone Like You." Make the choice to actively listen to feel-good music. Feeling better about yourself means choosing to not indulge in music that finds strength in sorrow. Dust off your girl-power albums from the '90s and get to listening!
Burn your ex's things in a ceremonial bonfire. Make peace with your demons. Break-ups can be rough, but your mood doesn't have to be. Make it a point to be civil with your new ex; don't be the crazy ex-girlfriend if you don't have to.
Drink away your problems until you're passed out in the bathroom of iCandy. Find a healthy way to de-stress and move forward. Some people start going to the gym to work out anxiety as well as improve their body image, and that's more than OK. Developing a less self-destructive way of relieving negative tension is a fantastic first step to improving how you are perceived by others as well as how you view yourself.
Think about how much better you turned out than your high school classmates. Consider how fortunate you are to have the life you do. Opt to focus on the successes of your relationships rather than the failures, and never take for granted the support system you have around you. They can be more valuable than we realize sometimes.
Get laid. ...Get laid.Still not optimistic enough? Send your thoughts to brandon.baker@temple.edu
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